Best Review Ketoconazole 2% Shampoo for Hair Loss?

Ketoconazole shampoos have become an increasingly popular way to care for hair loss. This is in spite of the fact that the makers of these shampoos exercise non officially sell them for hair loss.

Why is this, and is a ketoconazole shampoo something y'all should consider adding to your pilus care routine?

This in-depth guide will give you the answer to all these questions.

What Is Ketoconazole?

The structure of a ketoconazole molecule
The ketoconazole molecule

Ketoconazole was discovered in 1976 by Janssen Pharmaceutica in Kingdom of belgium (one). Information technology belongs to a course of antifungal medications called imidazoles. Information technology came on the marketplace in the early 1980s.

Today you can find it nether several make names, including Extina, Xolegel, and Ketoderm. However, the most popular brand name is Nizoral. This is one of the well-nigh mutual anti-dandruff medications on the market today.

This commodity will expect primarily at the shampoo version, only ketoconazole is available in many forms. These include gel, foam, cream, and even oral tablets.

How It Works

Ketoconazole is an antifungal, meaning it kills fungi and yeasts. The drug stops the product of an organic molecule commonly found in mucus and yeast: ergosterol (2). This interferes with the prison cell membrane of both organisms. With the cell membranes compromised, the organisms are no longer able to reproduce.

Ketoconazole is a "broad spectrum" drug (three). This ways it is constructive confronting many species of micro-organisms. These include not only the fungus responsible for most cases of dandruff (discussed beneath) only many other, often more than astringent, fungal infections of the scalp.

Among other conditions, ketoconazole tin can also treat thrush, psoriasis and tinea capitis.

Is Ketoconazole a Hair Loss Treatment?

It is important to stress at the outset that ketoconazole is sold every bit an over-the-counter medicated shampoo for the handling of dandruff and sure fungal infections. Depending on its course (topical or oral) ketoconazole tin can be used to treat fungal infections in most parts of the body.

Male pattern hair loss is not a fungal status. Then neither the manufacturer markets Nizoral shampoo as a treatment for blueprint hair loss nor has the FDA approved it for this indication.

Ketoconazole is not an official pilus loss medication.

Having said that, in recent years ketoconazole shampoos have gained somewhat of a following among the pilus loss community. Supporters of ketoconazole oft reference some research studies conducted a few years ago.  The authors of those studies looked at ketoconazole shampoos exterior of their intended apply, and in particular as a treatment confronting male person blueprint alopecia.

Before we go to that, allow's accept a look at ketoconazole's intended uses.

Ketoconazole, Dandruff, and Seborrheic Dermatitis


Dandruff is the number one scalp condition affecting millions of people worldwide each year. The authentication of this condition is itching and cruddy large, white flakes (four).

All healthy people lose skin cells on their scalp and the rest of their torso all the time, but these are usually not visible. In dandruff, this changes.

Dandruff flakes.

The white, ugly, crusty flakes seen in dandruff are actually a cluster of dead skin cells that for ane reason or some other retained a loftier degree of cohesion and discrete equally i slice from the scalp.

Scientists today believe this condition is multifactorial. In other words, it can accept many causes, including airborne chemicals and even stress. But in most cases, the chief culprit is a fungus by the name of Malassezia. This is a family unit of fungi normally found in the scalp of healthy people. But in dandruff, Malassezia multiplies out of control and more or less takes over the scalp.

The exact mechanism by which Malassezia causes dandruff is non clear. Be that as it may, the prove implicating Malassezia in the pathogenesis of dandruff is potent. For example, a 2014 study institute Malassezziato be nowadays in the scalp of 84% of a sample of dandruff patients (5). This was in contrast to healthy people, where Malassezia was only found in thirty%.

Whatever the mechanism is, the fact is that getting rid of Malassezia oft helps become rid of the symptoms of dandruff. Ketoconazole is very good at doing this (6).

With a powerful anti-fungal like ketoconazole, the yeast is no longer able to reproduce or survive. This leads to less scaling and reduction of the other bothersome symptoms, like itching and redness.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

A related condition to dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis (SD) (7).

Similar dandruff, the chief symptoms of  SD are inflammation, itching, scaling, redness, flaking (yellowish or white), and overproduction of grease. Unlike dandruff, information technology can also occur in areas outside the scalp. These include the ears, eyelids, neck, upper dorsum, breast, and armpits.

Itchy scalp is one of the main symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.

While scientists have not identified the exact cause of SD, they believe a number of factors regulate the severity of this status. These include historic period, gender, and immune system health. As with dandruff, Malassezia also plays a role.

Unsurprisingly, given what has been discussed so far, SD often responds very well to handling with ketoconazole (8). When the SD affects the scalp the shampoo version tin can be used, but for SD of the face or other areas of the body, the cream is applied.

What Almost Ketoconazole and Hair Loss?

As mentioned above, ketoconazole is not licensed or sold as an anti-hair loss drug, but some balding men do use it for this purpose.

Fauna Studies

A 2005 Japanese written report was one of the showtime to direct study ketoconazole's function in pilus growth (9). The inquiry was on mice, and the results were quite promising.

A like report was performed in 2014 – again on mice – just this fourth dimension it compared ketoconazole to minoxidil and minoxidil with tretinoin (an acne treatment) (10).

The mice were kickoff divide into four groups (of v mice), and their dorsal hairs were shaved. A stain was so practical and so researchers could better track the growth of new, not-dyed hairs.

The mice were split into four groups as follows:

  • I was the control, and it received 1 mL of 95% ethanol once daily for half-dozen days/week for 3 weeks.
  • II received Ketoconazole solution two%, 0.1 mL once daily for 3 weeks.
  • III received Minoxidil solution 5%, 0.1 mL once daily for 3 weeks.
  • IV received equal amounts of Minoxidil solution five% + Tretinoin 0.1%, 0.1 mL once daily for 3 weeks.

Afterwards 3 weeks, information technology was obvious that ketoconazole, minoxidil, and minoxidil with tretinoin were all superior to the placebo group. This was in terms of both number as well every bit bore of the pilus follicles.

A graph showing an increase in hair follicle size after Ketoconazole use

These differences were easily visible to the naked eye, equally yous can see in the side-by-side comparison image below.

A side-by-side comparison of mice treated with a control substance and mice treated with Ketoconazole

On the left is the control group, showing insignificant growth (equally noted by the presence of dye). On the right is the ketoconazole treatment group, with significant growth in just three weeks' fourth dimension.

Ketoconazole And DHT


As noted by the researchers, the positive effects of ketoconazole likely "stem from its antiandrogenic properties."

When it comes to battling male blueprint baldness (or androgenetic alopecia – AGA) one of the best ways to do and then is to target and remove DHT from the scalp. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is one of the iv androgens or male hormones. Information technology is also the main molecule implicated in male pattern baldness (11).

This is because those with AGA are sensitive to DHT, and this tin can cause miniaturization of the pilus follicle. As the follicle miniaturizes, the hair growth bicycle is altered, and somewhen, the pilus shaft completely stops growing.

Medications like finasteride work by blocking DHT all over the trunk (12). However, blocking DHT in the scalp is equally equally effective, and because it is more selective, leads to far fewer side furnishings.

Information technology turns out ketoconazole may also play a part in inhibiting the synthesis of DHT when applied directly on the scalp (thirteen). Studies with prostate cancer patients have also confirmed the potent antiandrogenic properties of ketoconazole (14).

Research With Balding Men

One of the commencement studies on the topic was published more than than 20 years ago (15).

The written report recruited 39 men with androgenetic alopecia, of which 27 used Nizoral shampoo for a 21-month period. The other 12 men used regular unmedicated shampoo.

At the end of 21 months, the men in the Nizoral group showed improvements in the proportion of anagen hairs (i.e. hairs in the growth phase of their bicycle) as well as in the average diameter of their hair shaft.

This combination of more growing hairs that were besides thicker led to fuller hair after six months of the handling. The gains continued until they stabilized later 15 months. The men who were using the unmedicated shampoo, on the other hand, continued on the slow but steady refuse that is typical of AGA.

The results of this first written report spurred the researchers to deport a second written report (both of these studies were reported in the same paper).

In this second study, two groups of men were studied. There were four men in each group. I group used Nizoral shampoo, and the other group practical daily topical minoxidil (while too using regular, unmedicated shampoo).

After six months, both groups of men showed an increment in hair density which was eighteen% in the ketoconazole group and 11% in the minoxidil grouping. The median hair shaft bore in both groups increased past 7%.

The authors concluded that ketoconazole shampoo results in an unequivocal increase in pilus density, size, and proportion of anagen hairs.

At that place accept been more than contempo studies on the topic, including those performed in 2002, 2006, and 2011 (16).

While each of these studies did come across pilus growth in almost of its subjects, there were some limitations. These include sample size and consistency of use amongst examination subjects.

A young man looking at his hairline in the mirror

Female Hair Loss

In 2019, a pair of researchers from Egypt studied topical ketoconazole as a treatment for female pattern pilus loss (female person AGA). The researchers recruited 40 women with hair loss into two groups (17). The starting time group received 2% topical minoxidil. Minoxidil is a tried and tested, FDA-approved treatment for this condition. The second group received a two% topical ketoconazole solution. The women in both groups practical the treatment daily for 6 months.

Research has found topical ketoconazole to be effective against female androgenetic alopecia

While women in the minoxidil group saw the first signs of regrowth earlier, by the 6-month mark both groups of women had statistically pregnant regrowth. Ketoconazole treatment also resulted in fewer side furnishings. Overall, women in both groups were every bit happy with their treatment. The results of this report suggest that topical ketoconazole tin can be an effective treatment option for women with hair loss.

Price and Availability

You tin purchase ketoconazole shampoos in ii strengths: 1% and 2%. In many countries, the 1% strength is sold over the counter, while the 2% is available by prescription only.

As a pop over-the-counter fungal treatment, at that place are a number of brands to choose from. The most common brand is Nizoral, and you can purchase an eight-oz bottle for around $15.

While this is a chip pricey, you but have to utilise the product a few times per week at the beginning of treatment. This means that the product will concluding a reasonable length of time.

Side Effects

As with any medication, ketoconazole has a few possible side furnishings that may interfere with its connected apply or brand continuation altogether impossible.


Shampoos that contain ketoconazole are relatively safe, at least for short-term use as intended.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common of these are itching, stinging, burning, or irritation (17). On rare occasions, ketoconazole-containing shampoo may cause hair loss.

In the effect side furnishings occur, they may subside as your body adjusts to the medication. If you lot find these side effects are too strong and crusade distress, discontinue treatment and consult with your doctor.

As with any medicated product, it is a good idea to consult with your medico prior to usage anyhow. This is especially true if yous are currently on any prescription medications, or if y'all have any chronic health conditions.


While ketoconazole is a relatively prophylactic topical drug, this is not the example with oral use.

In 2013 the FDA issued a alert and limited the usage of ketoconazole tablets (18). The FDA warned of potentially fatal liver problems and serious adrenal gland problems. The agency also warned of potentially very serious drug interactions.

The manufacturers had to alter the label of the drug, and the FDA recommended the drug no longer be a outset-line treatment for fungal infections. To be articulate, these warnings employ to the oral version of the drug only, not the shampoo.

Adding Ketoconazole to Your Hair Care Routine

Every bit readily available shampoos, ketoconazole products are something you can hands add to your regular hair intendance routine.

Since this is a medicated production, yous should follow a consequent regimen for six to eight weeks. This means using the shampoo every two to four days for the mentioned length of fourth dimension, and and then using it periodically ( 1 to two times per calendar month) for continued benefits.

How to Apply Ketoconazole Shampoo

If you determine to use ketoconazole, you will want to ensure yous are using it well-nigh finer. Here is a closer look at the instructions:

  1. Wet the expanse of the scalp affected by hair loss.
  2. Apply the ketoconazole shampoo directly to the area afflicted by hair loss, and a large radius around it.
  3. Massage the shampoo into the affected expanse for one infinitesimal, allowing it to fully lather.
  4. Let sit for 5 minutes.
  5. Rinse with lukewarm/cool h2o.

Practically, it will be much easier if you outset your shower by applying ketoconazole. Y'all can then launder the rest of your body while you let the ketoconazole act on your hair.

A man washing his scalp using homemade shampoo

While you lot can apply ketoconazole shampoo to the entire scalp, pay item attention to the area of hair loss. This means focusing the majority of your massaging efforts at that place, and using a circular motion while doing so.

By allowing it to sit, you also ensure the ingredients penetrate the scalp and pilus follicles.

But you may be wondering:

"Why must I rinse with lukewarm/cool water?"

The fact is, hot water causes damage to the scalp and hair follicles. It leads to dryness, inflammation, and irritation and you should avoid it as much as possible.

Past rinsing your scalp with lukewarm/cool water, you prevent any irritation from occurring.

Coldwater rinses take other benefits, too! Namely, increased apportionment which is cracking for oxygen/nutrient delivery and waste material removal.

A Discussion of Caution

While ketoconazole shampoos may play a part against blueprint hair loss, this beneficial upshot comes at a price. Because Nizoral and other ketoconazole shampoos are medicated products intended for brusk-term use, they are very harsh on the hair shaft. Frequent use of ketoconazole shampoo will probable leave your hair dry out, brittle, and prone to breakage. Depending on how frequently you cutting your pilus and how long it is, this might be visible to the naked center.

If you have long hair, you will probably besides find that ketoconazole shampoo makes your pilus tangle far more usual. For this reason, you will probably take to apply another shampoo later on Nizoral, as well as a conditioner.

Ketoconazole shampoos can be very harsh on the pilus.


There is no dubiousness that ketoconazole can help significantly in the handling of SD and dandruff. The jury is withal out on its pilus-growth properties, though in that location is some compelling prove in this regard.

This does non mean, all the same, that ketoconazole on its own will be able to reverse your hair loss and restore a total head of pilus. In the event it does work for you, it will most likely stabilize your hair loss. If you lot do run across some hair growth, this will more often than not exist mild.

The primary drawback to ketoconazole shampoo is that it is a medicated product, which is not intended for long-term, frequent use. For this reason, if you lot add together it to your hair loss regimen, aim to use information technology as infrequently as possible. Because ketoconazole is harsh on the hair, y'all will probably have to utilise it in conjunction with another shampoo.


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